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Expanding Our Roots: Rev. Nathan Ryan

Expanding Our Roots: Global Conversations With 821 is an online interview series hosted by The 821 Project. The purpose of the series is to showcase the cultural diversity, global connections and social consciousness of the people of southeast Louisiana as well as those who work to expand southeast Louisiana’s roots to the world through works that promote social justice and global citizenship.

The series presents community organizers, community leaders and residents living in southeast Louisiana who come from different parts of the world or who work to promote global citizenship, multiculturalism and social justice in our regional community.

This interview is with Rev. Nathan Ryan. Rev. Nathan Ryan serves as the Associate Minister for the Unitarian Church of Baton Rouge. He received his Master of Divinity degree from Meadville-Lombard Theological School in Chicago. He began his ministry with the church in 2012. When he was ordained by the congregation in 2013, he made history as the church’s first ordination in its 61-year history.

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